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Here’s how to Uninstall Microsoft Edge Beta: it’s been driving me insane for the past few weeks. Every now and then, i’d click a link and MS Edge Beta would pop up. i never installed it, and today i tried to get rid of it. Note: i use Microsoft Edge as my main browser, i just don’t want to use the Beta.

  • Control panel – nop not there.
  • Open up the Settings -> Apps menu – nop, not there either.
  • Found this cool Reddit thread where apparently people have been experiencing this, while running ASUS Armoury Crate software. Some of the suggestions were:
  • To locate the MicrosoftEdgeBetaEnterpriseX64.msi in C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ArmouryDevice\dll\ArmourySocketServer and then uninstall. – nope, not there.
  • To locate the MicrosoftEdgeBetaEnterpriseX64.msi in C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\ – which is where i found it, but i had to go through each folder till i found it. Or you could search for it.


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